Law in a Cup of tea



Welcome to “Law in a Cup of Tea,” an anthology of distilled wisdom and spirited discussions from our monthly legal gatherings. In these pages, we endeavor to present the essence of complex legal matters ranging from trade law to philosophy, all steeped in the rich brew of academic dialogue and practical insights.

Our journey began as a modest series of monthly discussions among lecturers and legal enthusiasts. These sessions, initially intended as informal exchanges over cups of tea, gradually evolved into a crucible of thought-provoking debates, insightful analyses, and the exploration of legal frontiers.

“Law in a Cup of Tea” is not just a book; it’s a reflection of our shared intellectual journey. It’s about breaking down complex legal concepts into digestible insights. It’s about the camaraderie and learning that happens when minds meet over a simple cup of tea.

As you turn these pages, we invite you to join our discussion, challenge our perspectives, and contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of the law.

Nama Penulis :

  • Dhanny Rahmawan
  • Anna Maria Tri Anggraini

  • Arif Wicaksana

  • Dhanny Rahmawan

  • Rifki Daris Dzulfikar

  • Elfrida Ratnawati

  • Irene Mariane

  • Natasya Yunita Sugiastuti

  • Ning Adiasih

  • Noviana Sri Indiraharti

  • Rosdiana Saleh

  • Simona Bustani

Nama Penerbit : Rajawali Buana Pusaka
Jumlah Halaman :
 xii; 213 Halaman
Ukuran Buku :
15 x 23 cm